
Showing posts with the label Mixed Media

Tursic amp Mille La Rencontre The Encounter Mixed media Almine Rech Shanghai China

#MixedMedia | Tursic & Mille’s painting does not concern itself with subject matter or content; what it aspires to before anything else is to be an object. This object is, in fact, Painting. Eric Troncy, ‘Tursic & Mille : Decade’, Les Presses du rĂ©el, 2011 to Continue Reading...... When my spirit go beyond by Eriko Kaniwa Photography Digital #Spirit | When my spirit go beyond is a creation by the artist Eriko Kaniwa. Category Nature, Landscape, Waterscape, lake, river, Fine-Art, Contemplation, Historical, Photography, Digital. Nikon D810, ND filters, Adobe PS CC. Long exposure 4min. 6 distinctions, 3K views,… read more... Harbour by Caryl Beach Painting Mixed media #MixedMedia | Harbour is a creation by the artist Caryl Beach. Category Nature, Landscape, Waterscape, lake, river, Fine-Art, Contemplation, Adventure, Painting, Mixed media. Many trips to Cornwall inspire paintings...using various sketches and photographs to start the work… read more... Colle...